Custom AUMIDs#

Custom AUMIDs can be used to display user-defined titles and icons. When initialising InteractableWindowsToaster, pass the custom AUMID as notifierAUMID.

Installing a custom AUMID#

Installing a custom AUMID allows you to use your own title, icon, and listen to activation after the notification was relegated to the action center.

The library comes with a script to implement it, The arguments can be understood using the –help argument. If you have the Python Scripts directory in your path, you should be able to execute them by opening the command console and simply executing register_hkey_aumid.

Using an installed AUMID# has a page on finding the Application User Model ID of an installed app. Below are the ways I recommend

Using Powershell#

You can use Powershell to view existing AUMIDs.


Will return a table of all applications installed for the current user, with the right row containing AUMIDs for each corresponding name.

Using the registry#

  1. Open registry editor

  2. In the top address bar, paste HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\ActivatableClasses\Package

  3. Many Microsoft product AUMIDs should be listed, among other third-party programs