


Possible colours for toast buttons


Possible values for duration to display toast for


Allowed positions for an image to be placed on a toast notification


Possible scenarios for the toast



Image that can be displayed in various toast elements


Define an image that will be displayed as the icon of the toast


Progress bar to be included in a toast


A text box that can be added in toasts for the user to enter their input


An item that the user can select from the drop down list


A selection box control, which lets users pick from a dropdown list of options


A button that the user can click on a toast notification


Button used to perform a system action, snooze or dismiss


Wrapper over Windows' ToastActivatedEventArgs to fix an issue with reading user input


class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastImage(imagePath: str | PathLike)[source]#

Image that can be displayed in various toast elements

__init__(imagePath: str | PathLike)[source]#

Initialise an ToastImage class to use in certain classes. Online images are supported only in packaged apps that have the internet capability in their manifest. Unpackaged apps don’t support http images; you must download the image to your local app data, and reference it locally.


imagePath (Union[str, PathLike]) – The path to an image file


InvalidImageException: If the path to an online image is supplied

path: str#

The URI of the image source

enum windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastButtonColour(value)[source]#

Possible colours for toast buttons

Valid values are as follows:

Default = <ToastButtonColour.Default: ''>#
Green = <ToastButtonColour.Green: 'Success'>#
Red = <ToastButtonColour.Red: 'Critical'>#
enum windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastDuration(value)[source]#

Possible values for duration to display toast for

Valid values are as follows:

Default: str = <ToastDuration.Default: 'Default'>#
Short: str = <ToastDuration.Short: 'short'>#
Long: str = <ToastDuration.Long: 'long'>#
enum windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastImagePosition(value)[source]#

Allowed positions for an image to be placed on a toast notification

Valid values are as follows:

Inline = <ToastImagePosition.Inline: ''>#
Hero = <ToastImagePosition.Hero: 'hero'>#
enum windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastScenario(value)[source]#

Possible scenarios for the toast

Valid values are as follows:

Default: str = <ToastScenario.Default: ''>#
Alarm: str = <ToastScenario.Alarm: 'alarm'>#
Reminder: str = <ToastScenario.Reminder: 'reminder'>#
IncomingCall: str = <ToastScenario.IncomingCall: 'incomingCall'>#
Important: str = <ToastScenario.Important: 'urgent'>#
enum windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastSystemButtonAction(value)[source]#

Valid values are as follows:

Snooze = <ToastSystemButtonAction.Snooze: 0>#
Dismiss = <ToastSystemButtonAction.Dismiss: 1>#
class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastDisplayImage(image: ToastImage, altText: str | None = None, position: ToastImagePosition = ToastImagePosition.Inline, circleCrop: bool = False)[source]#

Define an image that will be displayed as the icon of the toast

image: ToastImage#

An image file

altText: str | None = None#

A description of the image, for users of assistive technologies

position: ToastImagePosition = ''#

Whether to set the image as ‘hero’ and at the top, or as the ‘logo’. Only works on InteractableWindowsToaster

circleCrop: bool = False#

If the image is not positioned as ‘hero’, whether to crop the image as a circle, or leave it as is

classmethod fromPath(imagePath: str | PathLike, altText: str | None = None, position: ToastImagePosition = ToastImagePosition.Inline, circleCrop: bool = False) ToastDisplayImage[source]#

Create a ToastDisplayImage object from path without having to create ToastImage

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastProgressBar(status: str, caption: str | None = None, progress: float | None = 0, progress_override: str | None = None)[source]#

Progress bar to be included in a toast

status: str#

Status string, which is displayed underneath the progress bar on the left. This string should reflect the status of the operation, like “Downloading…” or “Installing…”

caption: str | None = None#

An optional title string

progress: float | None = 0#

The percentage value of the progress bar, {0..1}. Defaults to zero. If set to None, it will use an indeterminate bar

progress_override: str | None = None#

Optional string to be displayed instead of the default percentage string

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastInputTextBox(input_id: str, caption: str = '', placeholder: str = '')[source]#

A text box that can be added in toasts for the user to enter their input

placeholder: str = ''#

Optional placeholder for a text input box

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastSelection(selection_id: str, content: str)[source]#

An item that the user can select from the drop down list

selection_id: str#

Identifier for the selection

content: str#

Value for the selection to display

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastInputSelectionBox(input_id: str, caption: str = '', selections: Sequence[ToastSelection] = (), default_selection: ToastSelection | None = None)[source]#

A selection box control, which lets users pick from a dropdown list of options

selections: Sequence[ToastSelection] = ()#

Sequence of selections to include in the box

default_selection: ToastSelection | None = None#

Selection to default to. If None, the default selection will be empty

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastButton(content: str = '', arguments: str = '', image: ToastImage | None = None, relatedInput: ToastInputTextBox | ToastInputSelectionBox | None = None, inContextMenu: bool = False, tooltip: str | None = None, launch: str | None = None, colour: ToastButtonColour = ToastButtonColour.Default)[source]#

A button that the user can click on a toast notification

content: str = ''#

The content displayed on the button

arguments: str = ''#

String of arguments that the app will later receive if the user clicks this button

image: ToastImage | None = None#

An image to be used as an icon for the button

relatedInput: ToastInputTextBox | ToastInputSelectionBox | None = None#

An input to position the button besides

inContextMenu: bool = False#

Whether to place the button in the context menu rather than the actual toast

tooltip: str | None = None#

The tooltip for a button, if the button has an empty content string

launch: str | None = None#

An optional protocol to launch when the button is pressed

colour: ToastButtonColour = ''#

ToastButtonColour for the button

class windows_toasts.wrappers.ToastSystemButton(action: ToastSystemButtonAction, content: str = '', relatedInput: ToastInputSelectionBox | None = None, image: ToastImage | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, colour: ToastButtonColour = ToastButtonColour.Default)[source]#

Button used to perform a system action, snooze or dismiss

action: ToastSystemButtonAction#

Action the system button should perform

content: str = ''#

A custom content string. If you don’t provide one, Windows will automatically use a localized string

relatedInput: ToastInputSelectionBox | None = None#

If you want the user to select a snooze interval, set this to a ToastInputSelectionBox with the minutes as IDs

image: ToastImage | None = None#

An image to be used as an icon for the button

tooltip: str | None = None#

The tooltip for the button

colour: ToastButtonColour = ''#

ToastButtonColour to be displayed on the button

class windows_toasts.events.ToastActivatedEventArgs(arguments: str | None = None, inputs: dict | None = None)[source]#

Wrapper over Windows’ ToastActivatedEventArgs to fix an issue with reading user input

arguments: str | None = None#

Arguments provided to AddAction()

inputs: dict | None = None#

Inputs received when using AddInput()

classmethod fromWinRt(eventArgs: winrt.system.Object) ToastActivatedEventArgs[source]#